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But when you get a penis piercing like the notorious Prince Albert piercing , your penis is the organ being penetrated. But for many body modification enthusiasts, the end results are worth it. Take the eccentric roadside zoo owner, Joe Exotic. In fact, he claims to sometimes add a padlock to the penis ring to give it additional weight.
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The Health Risks of Pierced Nipples

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Complications associated with intimate body piercings

Last Updated: July 18, Approved. To create this article, people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has 14 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1,, times.
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Penis Piercing Types That You Must Know

Many of us are now expecting the couple to announce the name of their new baby today when the provide the first glimpse of the new royal. Albert has now become one of the favourites to be the new name of the royal baby , along with Alexander, James and Arthur. We have concerns that Harry and Meghan might not know the other connections of the name Prince Albert, though. A Prince Albert is a piercing of the penis, in which a metal ring is pierced through the skin at the tip of the penis.
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Doru Paul, MD, is triple board-certified in medical oncology, hematology, and internal medicine. Nipple piercings, though they may seem innocuous, do carry health risks that you should be aware of. The most common are infections and bleeding, which can occur shortly after getting a piercing or years later.
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