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The Safest Way to Store and Share Your Nudes

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However, a hidden folder is only one part of a balanced privacy diet. Before we get started, a disclaimer: The surest way to ensure that nude photos of you never end up somewhere you didn't intend is to not take nude photos. Just like the surest way to avoid pregnancy or STIs is to never have sex. But it's important to recognize that abstinence-only education is incomplete. So, while remembering that not taking nude photos is an option and no one should ever pressure you to take compromising photos of yourself , this guide will focus on how to stay safe without resorting to digital abstinence. As with any intimate act, sharing nude photos or videos of yourself requires trust.

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Billie Eilish turned 18 on December 18th this year! Last night, some passersby could witness an arrest of a hot young brunette! She apparently was walking around semi-naked on the streets and she was flashing people who were passing by! It was said that she was caught taking some photos while being nude in public, but the truth is — she actually made a sex tape — right there on the street! The photos and the video are available on YoyaGrey.

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