Penis fish in brazil
The fear of the Candiru a. Horror can be interpreted in various ways. It could be a gruesome murder envisioned via a horror flick, or a dreadful nightmare where blood sucking zombies were making it a sports affair chasing you down a dark and lonely alley. Whatever your interpretation of horror maybe, it still might not be anything compared to what so many Amazonians still fear and dread, even till date — The Candiru. The candiru is a feared but small beast in the Amazon, feared even more than the piranha.

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Snake-Like Amphibian Found In Brazil Is Extremely Rare, Makes Us Blush

Male-to-Female Gender-Affirming Surgery Using Nile Tilapia Fish Skin as a Biocompatible Graft
Remember from the CDO trip when Jones was enjoying himself floating down the river and he started to answer the call of nature? Well, now I found out what those little devils are called. Candiru or toothpick fish or Penis fish. It is found in the Amazon River and has a reputation among the natives as the most feared fish in its waters, even over the piranha. The species has been known to grow to a size of 6 inches in length and is eel shaped and translucent, making it almost impossible to see in the water. It swims into the gill cavities of other fish, erects a spine to hold itself in place, and feeds on the blood in the gills, earning it a nickname as the "vampire fish of Brazil ". It is feared by the natives because it is attracted to urine , and if the bather is nude it will swim into an orifice the vagina and even the penis —and deep into the urethra and because of spines protruding from the fish, it is almost impossible to remove except through surgery.

Candiru (Vandellia Cirrhosa) - A Fish That Attacks The Human Penis
Have you heard that rumour? Now you have. Here at Getting Freaky we freaking love rumours. The weirder, the better.

Post a Comment. Wednesday, 18 April Waiter, there's a fish in my penis. The show is called People to Meet before You or They Die and it's a series of interviews with some of the world's most extraordinary people: explorers, scientists, artists, philosophers and much, much more. The pilot features Charles Brewer-Carias, the Venezuelan grandson of a British diplomat, who has spent much of his 72 years exploring the Amazon. He holds the world record for making fire using just sticks 2.