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As a rule, you must be 18 or over before you can exercise responsibility for a child. In other words, you must be legally an adult. But if you are a mother aged 16 or 17, you can ask the court to declare you an adult so that you can get responsibility for your child. If you are pregnant at the age of 16 or 17, you can get responsibility for your child by marrying or entering into a registered partnership. The court will declare you an adult if it believes that this would be in the interests of you and your child. You will need a lawyer advocaat for this procedure.

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Do teenagers have a human right to consensual sexual activity?

Age of Consent by Country
For years, her parents said they later found out, the older man had been flattering the teen. He was a trusted family friend who had been like part of the family since she was He told her how awesome it was that she was still a virgin, how stupid the boys her age were for not trying to get in her pants, how he would be trying to all the time if he were in high school. He wanted her to send him nude photos. He wanted her to meet him at his office and at his house when his wife wasn't home. By the time they had sex, the law couldn't protect her. At 17, under Indiana law, she was old enough to consent to sex.

Ages of consent to sex in South Africa
Nonjuror asks :. Tim Loughton MP wants each of any pair of unders who have sex to face criminal prosecution under the existing law. As I understand it, all persons have a human right to consensual sexual activity, so are the grounds on which these unders are deemed not to have that right going suddenly, at some time, to be similarly found untenable because this prohibition is founded on no more than the interest, inconvenience or embarrassment of adults? For centuries, the law prohibiting sexual activity with children has operated on the basis that there is a certain age below which children cannot consent to sex. The statutory age of consent for heterosexual sex has gradually increased from 11 to 16 and this is also now the age at which consensual homosexual sex is legal.

As your child grows up and becomes more independent, you might be wondering how old they need to be before they can do certain things. But for certain things, the legal age can be younger. The information in this article is general in nature, and laws differ from state to state.