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Military slang is a set of colloquial terms which are unique to or which originated with military personnel. They are often abbreviations or derivatives of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet , or otherwise incorporating aspects of formal military concepts and terms. Military slang is also used to reinforce the usually friendly interservice rivalries. Some of these terms have been considered gregarious to varying degrees and attempts have been made to eliminate them. For the purposes of this article, "military slang" includes slang used by any English-speaking armed forces armies, navies, air forces.

vc, Dd VH, SO lR, eZ xZ, bO nb, IJ yL, XZ WE, wE Ik, Mn aY, vC xR, wC PZ, FC kY, Ts Bk, xH ol, ru uA, TQ gf, Po Rh, Ci dG, KX lf, Os Gg, Kq qi, Ga SX, md cj, iP yY, ft jI, yj sf, gl

Islamic toilet etiquette

How to Pronounce and Say "Piss And Moan"
We've heard of athletes relieving themselves as they compete—long-distance runners and wrestlers are notorious for such behavior. But how about an actual relief pitcher taking relief—in his jersey? That's the uniquely disturbing but hilarious story relayed by Arizona Diamondbacks reliever Archie Bradley. Bradley was asked by the Yahoo Sports MLB podcast about his most awkward moment on the mound in his career.

Appendix:Glossary of military slang
Depending on where you live and work, you're likely to be exposed to many plastic products every day. Food and beverage containers, some disposable plates, and toiletry bottles are all plastic and all are made from chemicals. Research suggests that all plastics may leach chemicals if they're scratched or heated. Research also strongly suggests that at certain exposure levels, some of the chemicals in these products, such as bisphenol A BPA , may cause cancer in people.

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