How to ask out a guy you like

The older you get the harder it becomes to figure out how to ask a guy out. The rest, it seems, are gay. Convince me why I should go all Sadie Hawkins. But think about it: why should men be any less afraid?
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14 Cute and Creative Ways to Ask Out a Guy Without Sounding Desperate

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14 Cute and Creative Ways to Ask Out a Guy Without Sounding Desperate | PairedLife

I've been an online writer for over eight years. I love writing about relationships, love, romance, and flirting. You may find yourself asking, "How do I ask a guy out? You can avoid sounding desperate by being creative, romantic, and girly. It is not weird for a girl to ask a guy out, so stop feeling nervous and afraid. Even if you are a shy girl, there are ways in which you can say, "I like you," without facing an awkward situation. If he likes you back, there is no reason why he will not be your boyfriend.
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Yes, Girls Can — And Should — Ask Guys Out

I think it's time for a bit of a dating rules revolution, because despite the fact that the rule of men asking women being old-fashioned, women still do not seem to be asking men out. So how do you ask a guy out over text? Despite the fact that 95 percent of men think a woman asking them out is "hot ," I feel like I don't see it happening that often among my friends. Instead, a lot of my friends are sitting around waiting for people to come to them.
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However, it can still be nerve-wracking sometimes. Lindsay van Clief. The trick to asking a guy out is just to do it.
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