Blue balls is slang [2] for an uncomfortable testicular sensation that can occur during a state of male sexual arousal. The term is thought to have originated in the United States, first appearing in Most often it describes a temporary fluid congestion vasocongestion in the testicles , [5] caused by prolonged sexual arousal in the human male without ejaculation. The phenomenon is sometimes associated with certain demographics, such as men who are experiencing and practicing delayed , multiple [7] or inhibited ejaculation.
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Certain cancers and their treatment can affect fertility in males and females. When a person with cancer wants to have children after treatment ends, some planning is needed. Sometime this involves fertility preservation. Fertility preservation saves or protects eggs, sperm, or reproductive tissue so that a person can use them to have children in the future.
Since the dawn of time, men have used the term " blue balls " as a euphemism for general sexual frustration. Blue balls can be something that actually affects you physically, too—and it sorta hurts. Anecdotal symptoms of blue balls include testicular pain, an aching sensation at the base of your penis, heaviness, and a faint blue tint to your testicles. But is "blue balls" actually real, or are those symptoms psychosomatic? And for that matter, is it harmful?
Back to Health to A-Z. Cancer of the testicle is 1 of the less common cancers, and tends to mostly affect men between 15 and 49 years of age. Typical symptoms are a painless swelling or lump in 1 of the testicles, or any change in shape or texture of the testicles. It's important to be aware of what feels normal for you. Get to know your body and see a GP if you notice any changes.
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