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She's often referred to as the French Madonna, but while Madge has gone a bit "Blimey guvnor, I'll re-shoot my video if it's going to upset anybody", Alizee's fairy godmother is as hilariously confrontational as ever. A chorus which, splendidly, goes like this: "Fuck them all! Something in French Fuck them all! It's a wench trying to get hold of the albums, though. At least in Norway.
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Fuck Them All performed by Mylène Farmer

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Mylène Farmer - Fuck Them All (Blackmyth Remix) - Stereo Stickman

Released on 14 March , it was the lead single from her sixth studio album, Avant que l'ombre Like all tracks from the album, the lyrics were written by the singer with music composed by Laurent Boutonnat. As a result, it is often compared to Madonna 's early s songs. Using both crude and colorful lyrics, including sex and vulgarity, the song deals with the war between the sexes and was often considered a feminist plea in which women are presented as warriors. Displaying many symbolic elements, it was the subject of many analyses on the Internet and in the press which generally praised its aesthetic qualities, but criticized for its lack of innovation.
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This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site. Become a translator Request new lyrics translation.
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