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How to keep a girl intrested

Starting the conversation off right is often the toughest struggle when texting the girl you fancy. The following are some texting conversation starters that should steer you in the right direction. The key to starting a lasting conversation is to keep your questions open-ended. Make her reply with more than yes or no. These texts will pique her interest and set you up for engaging conversation. Recommended: 82 Dark Humor Jokes.
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21 Secret Ways To Keep A Girl Interested In You

Last Updated: March 8, References. She has over 13 years of counseling experience and is trained in the harm reduction model. This article has been viewed , times. Getting a girl to date you is only half the battle; now you need to keep her interested.
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The first few dates are always fun. Everything is new, you're both blinded by attraction, and there's no pressure to settle down or come to terms with the reality of a real relationship. But the early days are more important than you think, according to psychologist and relationship expert Tracy Thomas, Ph. In other words, there's not as much room for error as you expect—the moves you make now can mean the difference between moving from casual to serious or hook-up to break-up. If you're having trouble keeping her interested after a month or so, you may be making one—or several—of these dating mistakes.
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Ever felt like you were giving a man all of the signs, and somehow he still seemed completely oblivious? I imagine it's frustrating wondering why he isn't getting your signals. To help shed some light on this dilemma, I asked fellow dudes to chime in on how they know a woman is interested. So here are the three biggest ways men know that you're into it.
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